Source code for acqdp.circuit.converter

from .circuit import (Operation,

from acqdp.tensor_network.tensor_valued import TensorValued

from acqdp.tensor_network.tensor_sum import TensorSum

from acqdp.tensor_network.tensor_network import TensorNetwork

[docs]class Converter: """Generic converter class, with method mapping a circuit to a tensor network."""
[docs] @classmethod def convert_pure(cls, operation: Operation) -> TensorValued: """Do a pure conversion for noiseless circuit described as a :class:`Operation` object to a tensor network as a :class:`TensorValued` object. :param operation: the noisy circuit to convert. :type operation: :class:`Operation`. :returns: :class:`TensorValued` -- the tensor network to describe the input noisy circuit. """ if not operation.is_pure: raise ValueError("Invalid operation: trying to do pure conversion for noisy circuit") if isinstance(operation, ControlledCircuit): op = operation.circuit c = Circuit() qubits = op.all_qubits for gate in op.operations_by_name: c.append(Controlled(op.operations_by_name[gate]["operation"], conditioned_on=operation.conditioned_on), [0] + [1 + qubits.index(i) for i in op.operations_by_name[gate]['qubits']]) return c.tensor_pure elif isinstance(operation, ControlledOperation): tn = TensorNetwork() tn.add_node("TC", tensor=operation._tensor_control) out_edges = [] in_edges = [] lst_ctrl, len_ctrl = operation._indices_with_property("^c$") lst_out, len_out = operation._indices_with_property(".*o$") lst_in, len_in = operation._indices_with_property("^i") for i in operation._output_indices[0]: if i in lst_ctrl: out_edges.append(lst_ctrl.index(i)) else: out_edges.append(len_ctrl + lst_out.index(i)) for i in operation._input_indices[0]: if i in lst_ctrl: in_edges.append(lst_ctrl.index(i)) else: in_edges.append(len_ctrl + len_out + lst_in.index(i)) tn.open_edges = out_edges + in_edges return tn elif isinstance(operation, PureOperation): return operation._tensor_pure elif isinstance(operation, SuperPosition): ts = TensorSum() for i in range(len(operation.coefs)): ts.add_term(i, operation.coefs[i] * operation.operations[i].tensor_pure) return ts else: if not isinstance(operation, Circuit): raise ValueError("Invalid operation: operation is not yet supported") # This cannot happen normally because Circuit.is_pure checks # Circuit.is_valid, but is left in just in case someone subclasses # Circuit and overrides is_pure. if not operation.is_valid: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError("Invalid operation: trying to convert an invalid circuit into a tensor network") dic = {} dic_in = {} dic_out = {} tn = TensorNetwork() all_edges = set() for time_step in list(operation.operations_by_time)[::-1]: for idx, gate in enumerate(operation.operations_by_time[time_step]): op = operation.operations_by_name[gate]['operation'] qubits = operation.operations_by_name[gate]['qubits'] out_edges = [] in_edges = [] for i in op._output_indices[0]: q = qubits[i] if q not in dic: dic_out[q] = (time_step + 1, idx, q) out_edges.append(dic_out[q]) else: edge = dic.pop(q) out_edges.append(edge) dic_in.pop(q) for i in op._input_indices[0]: q = qubits[i] dic[q] = (time_step, idx, q) in_edges.append(dic[q]) dic_in[q] = dic[q] for edge in out_edges + in_edges: if edge not in all_edges: tn.add_edge(edge, bond_dim=2) all_edges.add(edge) if op in CompState: tn.fix_edge(out_edges[0], CompState.index(op)) elif op in CompMeas: tn.fix_edge(in_edges[0], CompMeas.index(op)) else: tn.add_node(gate, out_edges + in_edges, op.tensor_pure) tn.open_edges = [dic_out[i] for i in sorted(dic_out)] +\ [dic_in[i] for i in sorted(dic_in)] return tn
[docs] @classmethod def convert_control(cls, operation: PureOperation) -> TensorValued: """Do a control conversion for noisy circuit described as a :class:`Operation` object to a tensor network as a :class:`TensorValued` object. :param operation: the noisy circuit to convert. :type operation: :class:`Operation`. :returns: :class:`TensorValued` -- the tensor network to describe the input noisy circuit. """ if not operation.is_pure: raise ValueError("Noisy operation does not have pure block-diagonal form") if isinstance(operation, ControlledOperation): return operation._tensor_control else: return operation.tensor_pure
[docs] @classmethod def convert_density(cls, operation: Operation) -> TensorValued: """Do a density conversion for noisy circuit described as a :class:`Operation` object to a tensor network as a :class:`TensorValued` object. :param operation: the noisy circuit to convert. :type operation: :class:`Operation`. :returns: :class:`TensorValued` -- the tensor network to describe the input noisy circuit. """ if isinstance(operation, PureOperation): tp = operation.tensor_pure tn = TensorNetwork() len_tensor = len(tp.shape) tn.add_node("TP", list(range(len_tensor)), tp) tn.add_node("~TP", list(range(len_tensor, 2 * len_tensor)), (~tp).expand()) tn.open_edges = list(range(2 * len_tensor)) return tn elif isinstance(operation, ImmutableOperation): return operation._tensor_density else: if not isinstance(operation, Circuit): raise ValueError("Invalid operation: operation is not yet supported") if not operation.is_valid: raise ValueError('Invalid operation') dic = {} tn = TensorNetwork() dic_out = {} dic_in = {} for time_step in list(operation.operations_by_time): for idx, gate in enumerate(operation.operations_by_time[time_step]): op = operation.operations_by_name[gate]["operation"] qubits = operation.operations_by_name[gate]['qubits'] out_edges_p = [] in_edges_p = [] out_edges_d = [] in_edges_d = [] for i in op._input_indices[0]: q = qubits[i] if q not in dic: in_edges_p.append((time_step, idx, q, 'p')) in_edges_d.append((time_step, idx, q, 'd')) dic_in[q] = [time_step, idx, q] else: edge = list(dic.pop(q)) in_edges_p.append(tuple(edge + ['p'])) in_edges_d.append(tuple(edge + ['d'])) dic_out.pop(q) for i in op._output_indices[0]: q = qubits[i] dic[q] = (time_step + 1, idx, q) out_edges_p.append((time_step + 1, idx, q, 'p')) out_edges_d.append((time_step + 1, idx, q, 'd')) dic_out[q] = [time_step + 1, idx, q] tn.add_node(gate, out_edges_p + in_edges_p + out_edges_d + in_edges_d, op.tensor_density) tn.open_edges = [tuple(dic_out[i] + ['p']) for i in sorted(dic_out)] +\ [tuple(dic_in[i] + ['p']) for i in sorted(dic_in)] +\ [tuple(dic_out[i] + ['d']) for i in sorted(dic_out)] +\ [tuple(dic_in[i] + ['d']) for i in sorted(dic_in)] return tn