Source code for acqdp.tensor_network.contraction

import json
import numpy as np
import copy
from acqdp.tensor_network.contractor import defaultContractor

class ContractionCost:
    :class:`ContractionCost` is a wrapper for cost quantities related to a tensor network contraction.

    :ivar s: Total number of floating point operations, as a proxy for the time complexity.
    :ivar t: Size of largest intermediate tensor, as a proxy for the space complexity.
    :ivar k: Number of indices sliced, as a proxy for the parallelism

    def __init__(self, s=0, t=0, k=0):
        self.s = s
        self.t = t
        self.k = k

    def __add__(self, other):
        return ContractionCost(self.s + other.s, max(self.t, other.t))

    def __iadd__(self, other):
        self.s = self.s + other.s
        self.t = max(self.t, other.t)
        return self

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.s * 2**self.k == other.s * 2**other.k and self.t == other.t

    def __lt__(self, other):
        return self.s * 2**self.k < other.s * 2**other.k

    def __str__(self):
        return "cost = {}, cw = {}, num_slice = {}".format(
            np.log10(float(self.s * 2**self.k)), np.log2(float(self.t)), self.k)

[docs]class ContractionScheme: """ :class:`ContractionScheme` is an intermediate representation of a tensor network contraction, containing the pairwise contraction orders, the hyperedges to be sliced, and the cost of the contraction. A :class:`ContractionScheme` does not contain tensor data. :ivar order: The pairwise sequential contraction order. :ivar slices: The hyperedges to be sliced for parallelism. :ivar cost: :class:`ContractionCost` -- The time / space cost and number of sub-processes of the tensor network contraction. """ def __init__(self, order, slices=None, cost=None): self.order = order if slices is None: slices = [] self.slices = slices if cost is None: cost = ContractionCost() self.cost = cost def dump(self, f): """Dump the :class:`ContractionScheme` into a json file. :param f: The file to dump the :class:`ContractionScheme` to. """ json.dump( { 'contractions': [l for l in self.order], 'slices': [l for l in self.slices], 'cost': [int(self.cost.s), int(self.cost.t), int(self.cost.k)] }, f, indent=4) @classmethod def load(cls, f): """Load a :class:`ContractionScheme` from an existing file. :param f: The file to load the :class:`ContractionScheme` from. :returns: :class:`ContractionScheme` """ def tuplize(l): if isinstance(l, list): return tuple(tuplize(x) for x in l) return l res = json.load(f) return cls([[[tuplize(l0), tuplize(l1)], tuplize(l)] for (l0, l1), l in res['contractions']], [tuplize(l) for l in res['slices']], ContractionCost(*res['cost']))
class OrderCounter: @property def cnt(self): self.k += 1 return ('#', self.k) def __init__(self, order=None): self.k = 0 if order is not None: for o in order: for k in o[0]: if isinstance(k, tuple) and len(k) == 2 and k[0] == '#': self.k = max(self.k, k[1]) def __copy__(self): oc = OrderCounter([[[('#', self.k)], '#']]) return oc
[docs]class ContractionTask: """ :class:`ContractionTask` is post-compilation intermediate representation for tensor network contraction, with all the information necessary to carry out a tensor network contraction, including initial tensor data and stepwise instruction of the contraction. """ def __init__(self, output, inputs=None, commands=None, data=None, length=1, shape=None, fix_dict=None, open_edges=None, sub_outputs=None, cnt=0, dtype=complex): if commands is None: self.commands = [] else: self.commands = commands self.output = output if inputs is None: self.inputs = [] else: self.inputs = inputs if data is None: = {} else: = data if shape is None: self.shape = () else: self.shape = shape if fix_dict is None: fix_dict = {} self.fix_dict = fix_dict if sub_outputs is None: sub_outputs = [] self.sub_outputs = sub_outputs if open_edges is None: open_edges = [] self.open_edges = open_edges self.cnt = cnt if cnt > 0: self.preprocess = False length = 1 for k in self.fix_dict: length *= len(k[1]) self.length = length self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) def _merge(self, res_dic): if self.length == 1 or len(self.shape) == 0 or self.open_edges is None: return sum([res_dic[k] for k in res_dic]) for i in res_dic: res_type = np.array(res_dic[i]).dtype lst_id = [i for i in self.open_edges if i not in self.sub_outputs] lst = [ i for i in range(len(self.shape)) if self.open_edges[i] not in self.sub_outputs ] + [self.open_edges.index(i) for i in self.sub_outputs] res = np.transpose( np.zeros(self.shape, dtype=res_type), lst) for k in res_dic: a = k ax = {} for l in self.fix_dict: if l[0][1] not in self.sub_outputs: ax[l[0][1]] = a % len(l[1]) a //= len(l[1]) ls = [] for l in lst_id: ls.append(ax[l]) res[tuple(ls)] += res_dic[k] res = np.transpose( res, [lst.index(i) for i in range(len(self.shape))]) # lst) return res def update_fix(self, tn): """Update the tensor index fixes according to the input tensor network. Use when the contraction task corresponds to the same tensor network with different fix configurations. One example of the use case is when the contraction task is for an entry of the amplitude of a quantum circuit, whereas the tensor network represents the same quantum circuit with a different amplitude entry. :param tn: The tensor network to update the fixes to. :type tn: :class:`TensorNetwork`. """ new_dict = {} for k in self.fix_dict: if 'fix_to' in[k[0]]: c =[k[0]]['fix_to'] new_k = (k[0], tuple(c)) new_dict[new_k] = self.fix_dict[k] new_dict[new_k][0] = list(c)[0] else: new_dict[k] = self.fix_dict[k] self.fix_dict = new_dict self.preprocess = False def _load_data(self): try: dilist = sorted(list(self.inputs)) except TypeError: dilist = sorted(list(self.inputs), key=str) try: ddlist = sorted(list( except TypeError: ddlist = sorted(list(, key=str) for d in range(len(self.inputs)): di = dilist[d] dd = ddlist[d] if isinstance([dd], ContractionTask): self.inputs[di][0] = (0, np.array([dd].execute())) else: self.inputs[di][0] = (0, np.array([dd])) self.preprocess = False return self def set_data(self, data): """Update the data in the contractions. Use when a connectivity of a tensor network remains unaltered but the tensor data is changed. :param data: a dictionary of tensor data, with keys being their names in the tensor network, and values the corresponding tensor data. :type data: dict """ = {d: np.array(data[d], dtype=self.dtype) for d in data} def cast(self, dtype): """Cast the contraction to a different type. All input tensors will be cast to the type, and therefore all steps of contraction will be of the type, together with the final result. :param dtype: The dtype to cast the computations to. :type dtype: `str` or `type` """ self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype) self.preprocess = False self.set_data( def __getitem__(self, idx): """Get a subtask induced by slicing as another :class:`ContractionTask`. :param idx: Index of the subtask. :type idx: int :returns: :class:`ContractionTask` -- The contraction task corresponding to the subtask specified by the index. """ if not self.preprocess: self._load_data() self.preprocess = True defaultContractor._execute(self, cnt=self.cnt) self_copy = copy.copy(self) for k in self_copy.fix_dict: a = idx % len(k[1]) idx = idx // len(k[1]) self_copy.fix_dict[k][0] = k[1][a] self_copy.commands = self.commands[self.cnt:] self_copy.fix_dict = {} self_copy.length = 1 self_copy.cnt = 0 self_copy.open_edges = None = {} self_copy.inputs = {} return self_copy
[docs] def execute(self, **kwargs): """Execute a :class:`ContractionTask`. Equivalent to :meth:`Contractor(**kwargs).execute(self)`. """ from acqdp.tensor_network.contractor import Contractor return Contractor(**kwargs.get('contractor_params', {})).execute(self)