Source code for acqdp.tensor_network.tensor

import copy
import numpy
from .tensor_valued import TensorValued, DTYPE

[docs]class Tensor(TensorValued): """A :class:`Tensor` is an array of numbers with multiple dimensions. The most basic examples of a :class:`Tensor` are a vector (1-dimensional arrays of numbers) and a matrix (2-dimensional arrays). In our implementation, :class:`Tensor` is a subclass of :class:`TensorValued`, where the value is stored in an `numpy.ndarray`. All other `TensorValued` represent operations over the :class:`Tensor` objects. :ivar _data: `numpy.ndarray` object representing the data corresponding to the tensor. """
[docs] def __init__(self, data: numpy.ndarray = None, dtype: type = DTYPE) -> None: """Constructor of a :class:`Tensor` object.""" if data is None: self._data = None elif isinstance(data, TensorValued): self._data = data.contract() elif isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): self._data = data if dtype is None: dtype = self._data.dtype else: self._data = numpy.array(data) if dtype is None: dtype = self._data.dtype super().__init__(dtype)
@property def shape(self): """ The common property of all :class:`TensorValued` classes. The shape of a `TensorValued` object is the bond dimension for each of its indices. :class:`TensorValued` objects must have compatible shapes in order to be connected together in a :class:`TensorNetwork`,or summed over in a :class:`TensorSum`. For :class:`Tensor` objects, it refers to the shape of the underlying :class:`numpy.ndarray` object. """ if self._data is None: return None elif isinstance(self._data, numpy.ndarray): return self._data.shape else: raise ValueError def __str__(self) -> str: s = None if isinstance(self._data, numpy.ndarray): s = numpy.around(self._data, decimals=3) data_str = "Data: \n" + str(s) return super().__str__() + "\n" + data_str def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Id: " + str(self.identifier) + self.__str__() def __iadd__(self, t): self._data += t.contract() return self @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """For :class:`Tensor` objects, it is to indicate whether the underlying :class:`numpy.ndarray` object where the unary operation is performed onto, is valid or not.""" return True @property def is_ready(self) -> bool: """The common property of all :class:`TensorValued` classes, indicating whether the current :class:`TensorValued` object is ready for contraction, i.e. whether it semantically represents a tensor with a definite value. In the process of a program, not all :class:`TensorValued` objects need to be ready; however once the `data` property of a certain object is queried, such object must be ready in order to successfully yield an :class:`numpy.ndarray` object. For :class:`Tensor` objects, it is to indicate whether the underlying :class:`numpy.ndarray` object where the unary operation is performed onto, is ready for contraction. """ return self._data is not None @property def norm_squared(self): """Square of Frobenius norm of the underlying :class:`numpy.ndarray` object.""" return numpy.linalg.norm(self._data.flatten()) ** 2 def fix_index(self, index, fix_to=0): """Fix the given index to the given value. The object would have the same dtype as the original one, with rank 1 smaller than the original. :param index: The index to fix. :type index: :class:`int`. :param fix_to: the value to assign to the given index. :type fix_to: :class:`int` """ if self._data is not None: self._data = numpy.moveaxis(self._data, index, 0)[fix_to] return self def contract(self, **kwargs): """ :returns: :class:`numpy.ndarray` -- the value of the tensor whose value is stored in an :class:`numpy.ndarray` object. """ return self._data def cast(self, dtype): """Return a copy of the `Tensor` object with updated underlying dtype.""" return Tensor(numpy.array(self._data, dtype), dtype) def copy(self): """Return a copy of the `Tensor` object.""" return Tensor(self._data, self.dtype) def __deepcopy__(self, memo): tn = Tensor(copy.deepcopy(self._data), dtype=self.dtype) return tn